Archive for the ‘REVIEW’ Category

Yamaha New Jupiter MX 135LC

Posted: 7 November 2010 in REVIEW

Indonesians got to see the all new 2011 Yamaha Jupiter MX (135LC) launched at the 2010 Jakarta Motorcycle Show.

Jupiter MX is as good as what we have been expected with features includes rear disc brake as standard, 5-speed transmission and new radical design.

What Yamaha Indonesia surprise us is the usage of wide front and rear rim that is 2.00 x 17″ for front wheel and 2.50 x 17″ for rear wheel. Wider tyre give better ride and handling with great improvement on cornering. The rear wheel also got improvement in the chain tensioning department whereby it is now replaced with a new version just like the Yamaha FZ-150i (Vixion).

Also, it got 25mm carburetor (previous was at 22mm)! That is just 1mm less than The Boss (Yamaha RX-Z 135 2-stroke) at 26mm Mikuni VM.

Power figures are up to 12,52 Ps @ 8.500 rpm for the new Jupiter MX (previous is at 11.49ps/8500rpm) and  1,24 kgf.m torque @ 6.000 rpm (previous is at 1.19 kgf.m torque @ 6.000rpm)

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PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI) terlihat ambisius di tahun 2010 ini terlihat dari gerak pasarnya yang terus mengeluarkan motor terbaru untuk menyaiki pasar motor otomotif, Setelah beberapa lalu mengeluarkan yamaha byson tidak lama lagi yamaha akan mengeluarkan motor bebek terbarunya yaitu Yamaha Lexam.

Yamaha lexam merupakan motor bebek matik (betik) dan rencana Kabar pelundurannya ini terkuak dari fakta, pendaftaran sepeda motor baru ini di Kementerian Perindustrian pada 24-06-2010.

Produsen motor terbesar asal Jepang ini masih menyimpan sekurangnya dua produk baru mereka. Kabar berhembus kalau Yamaha saat ini sedang menyiapkan sebuah bentuk penyempurnaan dari bebek sporty miliknya, Jupiter MX dan bersiap melahirkan bebek bertransmisi otomatis, Lexam.

Semula, diprediksi Yamaha hanya menyisakan dua “peluru” di semester kedua tahun ini, yaitu Byson dan New Scorpio Z. Ternyata ada model yang disegarkan dan total baru secara teknologi.

spesifikasi yamaha Lexam yaitu pegoperasian kedua rem (depan dan belakang) dengan tuas di setang. Informasi lainnya, pasokan bahan bakar masih tetap sistem karburasi (karburator), belum injeksi (njektor).

Eiji Tada, Wakil Presiden Direktur PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia pernah mengatakan, “Kami akan luncurkan Lexam pada kuartal terakhir tahun ini. Bukan di Jakarta Motorcycle Show (JMS), tetapi sekitar waktu itulah! Kabar terakhir, Yamaha malah akan meluncurkannya pada awal 2011. Pasalnya, belajar dari Honda Revo Techno AT, penjualannnnya belum menggembirakan. Pasti ada faktor lain, misalnya harga – lantaran menggunakan sistem injeksi – menjadi lebih mahal.

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Let’s play with PlayBook

Posted: 28 September 2010 in REVIEW

Di acara Developer Conference 2010, San Fransisco kali ini, RIM akhirnya merilis produk di segmen tabletnya yang diberi brand PlayBook. Tidak ingin secara head to head bersaing dengan iPad, aPad dan pad lainnya, maka BlackBerry merilis tabletnya dengan nama PlayBook. Sebelumnya telah kencang berhembus rumor bahwa namanya adalah BlackPad.

Dari segi hardware dan OS serta aplikasinya, menurut paparan petinggi RIM di Devcon, cukup menjanjikan. Dukungan hardware multi-touch capacitive 7-inch display, 1GHz dual-core CPU, 1GB of RAM, kamera untuk conference, juga untuk merekam video dalam format HD. Serta dukungan OS dari QNX yang cukup bisa diandalkan.

Secara keseluruhan, konsep PlayBook dari RIM ini patut diacungi jempol. Tinggal menunggu dukungan dari segi marketing dan dukungan apps. Apps yang paling menjanjikan untuk dapat membuah PlayBook cukup happening, menurut saya adalah social networking dan social gaming.

Jadi, mari bermain bersama PlayBook.

PS: Gambar gambar courtesy

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Yamaha Fazer 250

Posted: 24 September 2010 in REVIEW

Saat pertama kali melihat Yamaha Scorpio tersirat  pertanyaan negatif mengenai motor 220cc ini. Apakah motor ini pantas dijadikan  produk flagship  Yamaha Indonesia? Terlihat dari tongkronganya yang serba tanggung bila dibandingkan dengan pesaingnya. Bila disandingkan dengan  Honda Tiger Revo, Scorpio terlihat  kalah kekar. Bila diadu dengan  produk kebanggan  Kawasaki Indonesia, Ninja 150 dengan mudah meng-KO Scorpio baik secara performa maupun penampilan. Bahkan  setelah kelahiran “adiknya”  V-Ixion  yang serba inovatif nasib Scorpio semakin tidak jelas. Mungkin memang sudah menjadi takdir bagi Scorpio  untuk menjadi produk pengisi kekosongan Yamaha pasca pensiunya TZM ataupun RZR.

Kini Yamaha  di prediksi akan menghadirkan Fazer 250  untuk menggantikan si “tanggung” Scorpio. Produk yang akan menjadi flagship Yamaha indonesia ini  hadir dengan mesin berkapasitas 250cc. Tampilan motor cruiser yang diadaptasi dari Yamaha Brazil ini terlihat begitu kekar terutama jika dilihat dari samping maupun belakang. Sepintas mirip dengan Honda CBF 250 saingan sesama jepangnya.

Fazer 250 memang paling unggul

Dibanding Yamaha Fazer 250, Bajaj Pulsar dan  Honda Tiger Revo silahkan minggir. Mungkin memang terdengar begitu arogan. Namun begitulah adanya, Fazer yang memiliki kapasitas  mesin lebih besar  memang  unggul segala-galanya bila dibandingkan dengan Pulsar maupun Tiger Revo. Dari segi tampilan luar, terlihat jelas kerapihan rancangan varian terkecil keluarga Fazer ini. Tampilan luar yang begitu kekar menyiratkan aura motor street fighter sejati. Kapasitas tanki bensin Fazer 250 yang mencapai 19,2 liter ini bahkan lebih besar dibandingkan kapasitas tanki “rajanya street fighter” Ducati Monster. Monster S4R yang berkapasitas  1000cc memiliki tanki bensin yang hanya dapat menampung 17,5 liter . Bobot Fazer yang hanya 134 kg ini merupakan yang paling ringan dibandingkan Tiger Revo, apalagi Pulsar yang mencapai 140kg, bahkan bila dibandingkan motor sports eropa Mito sekalipun bobot Fazer masih lebih ringan 1kg. Satu satunya kekurangan Fazer adalah absenya rem cakram belakang. Padahal motor yang telah menggunakan suspensi monoshock ini memiliki tenaga 22 hp dan torsi 20nm pada 6500 rpm. Harusnya masalah konsumsi bensin sepertinya bukan persoalan bagi konsumen motor berkapasitas diatas 200cc. Pertanyaanya  tinggal kapan Yamaha akan merilis ultimate light cruiser ini dan berapa harganya?  Karena bila di beri harga sekitar 22 atau 23 juta rupiah per unitnya dijamin Yamaha Fazer 250 akan “membunuh” saingan sainganya terutama Tiger Revo maupun Bajaj Pulsar. Mengingat faktor dukungan non teknis seperti image dan jaringan after sales service yang dimiliki  Yamaha bisa dikatakan sama kuat dengan yang dimiliki Honda. 

Performa Fazer 250

Akselerasi Fazer 250 hampir sama dengan Tiger  Revo dan Bajaj Pulsar namun Fazer 250 memiliki top speed 145 km/jam atau lebih tinggi 15 km/jam dibanding  Bajaj Pulsar 180 DTSi. Hal ini ditunjang  oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya berat kosong Fazer yang hanya 134 kg, ukuran tapak ban Fazer yang lebih lebar dibanding saingannya dan  kapasitas mesin yang lebih besar.Tenaga maksimum  Fazer 250 adalah 22hp pada  7500 rpm dan torsi maksimumnya adalah  20nm yang dapat diraih pada putaran 6500 rpm. Keuntungan dari torsi besar yang didapat pada putaran mesin menengah artinya Yamaha Fazer 250 dapat bermanufer dengan lincah pada kecepatan sedang antara 50 sampai 80 km/jam. Sebuah kondisi yang sangat ideal apabila motor tersebut digunakan di kepadatan lalu lintas ibukota yang amat membutuhkan tenaga dan torsi besar pada putaran mesin menengah. Sebaliknya apabila untuk dipakai dalam perjalanan jauh Fazer 250 memiliki riding position yang amat ideal karena seperti motor cruiser dan street fighter pada umumnya, memiliki central grafity yang tinggi namun tidak perlu membuat posisi pengendara begitu menunduk sehingga tidak cepat membuat lelah. Ban berukuran 130/70 x 18 memiliki tapak yang lebar sehingga menambah kestabilan motor berkapasitas 250cc ini ketika harus menjelajahi jalanan  aspal yang basah atau  licin. Sebenarnya Honda Tiger Revo dan Bajaj Pulsar 180 DTSi bukanlah lawan yang sepadan untuk Fazer 250. Karena semestinya Fazer 250 dihadapkan dengan Honda VTR 250, CBF 250 atau Bajaj Pulsar 220 DTS

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Yamaha Byson

Posted: 14 Agustus 2010 in REVIEW

Akhirnya Yamaha membuka pemesanan untuk motor sport terbarunya yang akan diluncurkan setelah lebaran nanti yaitu Yamaha Byson. Dan untuk urusan harga menurut Paulus Sugih Firmanto sebagai GM Promotion and Motorsport Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI) adalah kisaran Rp.19,8juta sampai dengan Rp.20juta, karena untuk motor bermodel street fighter ini untuk harga pastinya masih diperhitungkan dan akan diputuskan minggu depan oleh bagian pemasaran.

Namun ketika dikonfirmasi tentang hadirnya New Mega Pro, Paulus meyakinkan bahwa harganya tidak akan lebih mudah dari motor sport baru Honda itu. “Urusan harga, kita lebih rasional Sesuai dengan ongkos produksi nantinya.” lanjut pria yang berkantor di Pulo Gadung, Jakarta Timur ini.

Bila Honda New Mega Pro tipe casting wheel dijual Rp 19,5 juta dan Byson akan bermain di bawah Rp 20 jutaan. Artinya harga Byson hanya akan selisih beberapa ratus ribu lebih mahal dari New Mega Pro.

Melihat kisaran harganya, banderol Byson terasa beda tipis dengan V-xion yang saat ini dilepas dengan harga Rp 20,5 jutaan. Padahal meski mengusung platform yang sama, sistem pengabutan di Byson masih menggunakan karburator bukan injeksi seperti yang ada di V-ixion.

Lalu apakah nantinya kedua produk ini malah akan saling membunuh di pasaran?

“Basic engine-nya memang V-ixion, tapi fiturnya dan segmennya beda, (Byson) ini untuk pengguna motor sport yang masih suka iseng kutak-kutik. Jadi mudah sekali dimodifikasi,” tutup Paulus.

Tapi bila menilik fitur yang ditawarkan seperti speedometer yang sudah full digital, suspensi depan berukuran besar, velg dan ban gambot. Dipastikan harganya yang sedikit lebih mahal dari New Mega Pro tetap akan membuat Yamaha Byson mampu bersaing di pasaran.

Kedua motor sport ini sebenarnya sudah lebih dulu muncul di India. Secara spesifikasi mesin, tidak jauh berbeda. Sama-sama mengusung mesin 150cc SOHC dua klep dan berpendingin udara, karburatornya juga sudah sama-sama dilengkapi dengan Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)

Yamaha Semakin Di Depan

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Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone 4 today, which he claims offers over 100 new features, though he would focus on only a handful for the keynote. The iPhone 4 looks like the iPhone prototype obtained under questionable circumstances by Gizmodo: stainless steel casing, all-glass front, and a design Jobs describes as the thinnest smartphone on the planet: almost 25 percent thinner than the iPhone 3GS.. Unlike previous iPhones, the iPhone 4 will have volume controls on the side of the phone along with an accessible microSIM tray. The iPhone 4 features a front-facing camera, and the back sports a microphone, 30pin connector for docking, and a speaker, while the top sports a second microphone for noise cancellation, sleep/wake button, and a headset input.

Jobs went on to highlight the bands around the side of the iPhone 4 that caused much speculation in the wake of the leaked prototypes. Jobs identified them as part of the phone’s antenna system, saying the stainless steel band is also a primarily structural element of the device. The antenna supports all the iPhone 4’s wireless capability, from 3G to Wi-Fi to Bluetooth to GPS along with cellular communications.

•iPhone 4: Retina Display

The iPhone 4 will also sport what Jobs described as a “retina display” with four times the pixel density of a typical LCD display at a whopping 326 pixels per inch—by far denser than anything else in the consumer electronics market. The result is a 3.5-inch display with a native resolution of 960 by 640 pixels that is actually a higher resolution than the typical human eye is capable of perceiving, when held at a distance of just 10 to 12 inches. Jobs claims the iPhone 4’s display winds up looking like a high quality printed book (albeit that emits light!) rather than a blocky pixellated grid. The iPhone OS automatically handles rendering text and controls at the higher resolution for the iPhone 4, so developers don’t need to do anything to update their applications to look good on the new display…but, of course, if developers want to add higher-resolution graphics to their apps, they will look stunning on the iPhone 4.

•iPhone 4: A4 Chip and Gyroscope

The iPhone 4 will also feature an Apple-designed A4 CPU, following along the lines of the processor powering the iPad. Jobs said the A4 processor improved power management, so the iPhone 4 will manage 40 percent more talk time on 3G networks (up to 7 hours), or up to 6 hours of 3G Web browsing or 10 hours of Wi-Fi browsing. The device can also play up to 10 hours of video, 40 hours of music, and should have an standby time of up to 300 hours. The iPhone 4 will also pack up to 32 GB of onboard flash storage, and will offer quad-band HSDPA/HSUPA for mobile broadband speeds up to 7.2Mbps downstream, 4.8Mbps upstream…assuming carrier networks support that technology. The iPhone 4 will also support 802.11n Wi-Fi, assisted GPS, Bluetooth, and packs and accelerometer, compass, proximity sensor, and an ambient light sensor,. The iPhone 4 also sports a gyroscope, which enables six-axis motion sensing…just like a game controller, and iPhone OS 4 will offer developer APIs to leverage the gyroscope: Jobs envisions the gyroscope enabling whole new types of mobile gaming.

•iPhone 4: Camera & iMovie

The iPhone 4 will feature a 5 megapixel camera with a backside-illuminated sensor, which Jobs says increases the amount of light captured by the sensor, resulting in better photographs, particularly in low-light situations. The camera will also record HD video at 720p resolution and 30 frames per second, and the LED flash can be used to light video as well. Like the iPhone 3GS, the iPhone 4 will feature in-phone video editing and enable users to share video the the Internet (think Facebook and YouTube). However, Apple is pushing the video editing envelope with a new iMovie application for iPhone, that enables users to assemble and trim clips and record directly into an iMovie timeline. Users can also add camera photos to their movies (complete with the pan-and-scan Ken Burns effect), and iMovie for iPhone will enable users to add titles and transitions to their videos. The iPhone 4 camera embeds geolocation information in video; iMovie for iPhone can optional display display that information. Users can also add music as a soundtrack to their video, and select from a number of pre-generated themes. iMovie for iPhone will be available as a separate purchase from the App Store for $4.99.

•iPhone 4: Bing

Among new features in iOS 4 will be an option to use Microsoft’s Bing as a default search engine; Google will still be the iPhone’s default search, but Yahoo and Bing-powered searches will be available as options. Note that Bing will be taking over the back end for Yahoo’s search services later this year.

•iBooks for iPhone

Apple also announced a version of iBooks will be available for iPhone, with feature parity to the iPad edition (complete with previously-announced PDF and annotations support). The applications will be able to synchronize across devices, so users will be able to start reading an iBook on an iPad, then pick up at the same spot on the iPhone. Users will be able to download purchased books to all their supported devices at no extra charge.

•No Longer iPhone OS 4: iOS 4

Since it won’t do to have an iPad running something called “iPhone OS,” Apple has decided to rename its mobile device operating system to simply “iOS 4,” encompassing all its mobile devices: the iPhone, the iPad, and the iPod touch. iOS 4 will have the features Apple outlined back in April, including a form of multitasking support (so applications like Pandora can stream music in the background while an iPhone user, say, surfs the Web in Safari), a unified Mail inbox that supports multiple services, home screen folders, a Game Center, and improved support for Microsoft Exchange and enterprise users. However, developers will probably be more intrigued by a boatload of new APIs and significantly deepened features. Developers at WWDC will be able to set hands on a release candidate today.


Jobs also took a moment to highlight Apple’s new in-application advertising platform iAds: according to Jobs, Apple is developing iAds as a revenue channel for developers so they can earn money from applications in ways other than direct sales to users. As outlined last April, Apple is aiming for high amounts of interactivity and engagement with iAds, building on HTML5 technologies rather than the still-industry-standard Adobe Flash. Apple will host all the advertising and handle ad sales, so all applications developers have to do is specify where in the applications the ads should be placed, then collect 60 percent of the revenue from placements in their applications. Apple has only been selling iAds for about two months—they should go live Jule 1—and so far has many major brands on board, including Disney (Jobs is Disney’s biggest single shareholder, remember), Target, Best Buy, Geico, DirecTV, and other major brands. Unlike traditional banner ads that eject users from applications out into Web browsers, iAds run without exiting a user’s application, providing an interactive experience without causing people to leave apps, or lose work or messages: the goal is an engaging experience that users know is “safe” regardless of the app they’re using.

•Video Calling

Of course, that front-facing camera in the iPhone 4 exists for one and only one purpose: video calls. Jobs demonstrated what Apple is dubbing FaceTime video calling with the iPhone 4. The feature will initially be Wi-Fi only and operate iPhone 4 devices—no word in whether FaceTime will support, say, desktops or notebooks equipped with cameras. Users will be able to switch to the rear-mounted 5 megapixel camera on the iPhone 4 to let callers see what they’re seeing, or stick with the front-facing camera for face-to-face chat. Jobs says Apple plans to work with mobile operators to make FaceTime available over 3G data services. Apple says it plans to ship millions of FaceTime-capable devices this year—and if current iPhone sales are any indicator, they’re right—so iPhone 4 users will have plenty of people to talk to. (How far off is an app called FaceTime Roulette?)

Apple says the technology behind FaceTime will be come an industry standard, and will be supported by other devices and services

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Honda Scoopy….Uniquely Happy

Posted: 30 Mei 2010 in REVIEW

One of the latest motor products are Honda Scoopy 2010 that might rival the Suzuki Titan who was the production of Suzuki and Yamaha also compete with the production of the Xeon 2010 is Yamaha.

PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) will most likely be launching their retro matic, Scoopy on May 20, 2010. But what is the selling price Scoopy later?

Apparently if it’s true that later launched the Scoopy, AHM will provide this new motorcycle prices at an affordable price and below the selling price of Vario.

“Scoopy later priced under but above Vario beat,” says Senior General Manager of Sales Division to detikOto Kumala AHM Sigit.

However, despite giving such leaks, Sigit did not want to disclose more about the actual selling price Scoopy.

“The price of its new fixed-fitted later released,” he asserted.

Scoopy the ground of certainty the presence of water, the strong implied. Especially after the arrival of an invitation from the launch of a new motor that advocated AHM invitation to come wearing a classic retro-themed dress code, such as dress with plaid and polka-dotted.

In Thailand there, the latest Scoopy has been marketed since September last year with a carrying capacity of 110cc 4 stroke engine.

The machine was equipped with water cooling and injection system and claimed to only need one liter of gasoline to go as far as 49 km.

While to outward appearances, Scoopy born with the body is very seductive. A rounded body design coloring almost all parts of the motor, either in the body, the main lights up in the rearview mirror.

This design makes it look very fresh so it can be a choice between the current motors that want to look futuristic. Young people also likely to be tempted and become targetnya.on 125 cc.

Honda Scoopy in Indonesia seemed to be slightly different from the existing Scoopy in Thailand there. Because when in Thailand Honda Scoopy sell pengabutan injection system, in Indonesia will use a carburetor as pengabutannya system.

“For Indonesia carburetor wear gold,” says Senior General Manager of Sales Division to detikOto AHM Sigit Kumala weekend.

In Thailand there, the latest Scoopy has been marketed since September last year with a carrying capacity of 110cc 4 stroke engine. The machine was equipped with water cooling and injection system.

With the injection system skutiknya Honda claims the motor will only need one liter of gasoline to go as far as 49 km.

The plan, motorcycle retro genre will be launched on May 20, 2010 came the invitation to come after the launching of a new motor from AHM.

Scoopy’s outer appearance is very tantalizing and retro-style design that sangta strong with a rounded body coloring almost all parts of the motor, either in the body, main lights up in the rearview mirror.

Scoopy view this course will tempt many people, especially young children who like style.

“Scoopy later priced under Vario but above the beat,” he said.

Honda also is ready to produce at least about 120,000 units in the homeland Scoopy.

Automotive competition in 2010 is likely to be lively and vigorous, among the world’s motor manufacturers who make Indonesia as their target market.

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Yamaha Xeon 125 Dilepas pada Mei 2010, The presence of new automatic scooter Yamaha products, Xeon, in Indonesia seems to be no longer. Parties Yamaha Indonesia plans that production begins later this month and will go on sale in early May.

From the information obtained, latest skutik berlambang producers of this tuning fork will begin to be introduced to the media beforehand. “Later this month, the media will be invited to try the latest products, and the planned launch of a new will early next month,” said a source at PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI) to, Thursday (08/04/2010).

Referring to data Indonesian Motorcycle Industry Association (AISI), the total sales of all models of Yamaha skutik per month in the range of 120,000 units per month. Given the new products, sources said that the target will then be increased to 150,000 units a month.

As is known, production preparation has been done by PT Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (YMMI) with the type of production licenses named Xeon 44D dated March 19, 2010. From search, Xeon is the latest Yamaha scooter product matic capacity of 125 cc. cameras ever catch the latest Yamaha products are now being tested on the road.

In Thailand, this skutik named Mio 125 and have recently launched early this year with a kitchen runway 124 cc, 4 stroke SOHC engine, equipped with water cooling system. Even at launch, the duo pebalap mainstay Yamaha in MotoGP, Valentino Rossi and Jorge Lorenzo, successfully trafficked to the Land of the White Elephant.

Thus, the Xeon will occupy the highest strata above model skutik Yamaha Mio and Mio Soul.

Yg Lain Makin Jauh Ketinggalan


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